IV Vitamin Infusions

MINT Clinic offers customised IV Vitamin Infusions tailored to your specific health goals. All IVs are overseen by our on-site doctors and administered by nurses trained in IV Therapy. Our private IV lounge has been designed to ensure a relaxing, luxurious and a highly personalised experience.

ARE YOU A NEW IV PATIENT? Book your consult today...

ARE YOU A NEW IV PATIENT? Book a consult with one of our Integrative Doctors to confirm if IV Therapy will meet your health goals.

Most IV therapy patients are seeking treatment to help manage a range of symptoms. Our doctors will conduct a health history and order blood tests (if needed) to confirm nutrient deficiencies and the underlying cause of your symptoms.

From here, our doctors will customise an IV treatment specific to your needs.

Myers’ Cocktail

The Myers Cocktail was named after the late physician, John Myers, M.D and contains essential nutrients including Vitamin C, B-Group Vitamins, and Magnesium.

A Myers Cocktail may aid relaxation and sleep, reduce stress and improve overall health and wellbeing.

Fee: $250


Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme of niacin (vitamin B3) that is found in every cell in the body. NAD levels naturally decline due to ageing, stress and environmental factors.

NAD may reduce chronic pain, inflammation, improve mental clarity, energy, mood and overall health.

Fee: from $350 to $750

Iron Infusion

An iron infusion delivers iron and saline directly into the bloodstream through a vein. Iron infusions are by prescription for patients suffering iron deficiency, iron-deficiency anaemia and chronic kidney disease.

To ensure the highest level of safety and comfort, please allow up to 1.5 hours for your infusion.

Return MINT Clinic patient fee: $250
New MINT Clinic patient fee: $350 (includes GP appointment)

Customised Infusions

Let us blend a customised infusion to suit your unique health goals. Start with an Infusion Fee of $145 then add your boosters.

Available boosters - B Group Vitamins, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc and Glutathione.

Booster fee: $25 - $75

Benefits of IV Therapy

Some common reasons our doctors may advise IV Vitamin therapy include:

. Fatigue or low energy
. Chronic Pain
. Poor Sleep
. Nutrient Deficiencies
. Stress
. Brain Fog
. Headaches/Migraines
. Malabsorption

Your doctor will advise which IV Vitamin Therapy is appropriate for you as part of your personalised treatment plan.

Making an appointment

I am a CURRENT MINT medical patients

Book your appointment ONLINE or with our reception team.

I am a NEW MINT medical patient

Book a Doctor's consult.

Potential side effects?

All side effects and risks will be discussed in depth at your consultation with the doctor prior to any IV Vitamin Treatment. Clinical trials have not shown high-dose intravenous vitamin C to produce negative side effects. (reference : https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-c/). However, for the following patients, high-dose Vitamin C treatment is not recommended:

. Kidney disease or kidney failure
. Patients with inherited disorder called G-6-PD deficiency
. Patients with Haemachromatosis (Vitamin C may make the body take up and store more iron than it needs)